Metropolitan Opera Sees Modest Ticket Sales Growth Post-Covid, but Attendance Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels
Червень 16, 2023

In summary, the recent data from the Metropolitan Opera reveals a slight increase in ticket sales compared to the previous year following the Covid-19 pandemic. Ticket sales rose from 61 percent in the post-Covid return year to 66 percent in the 2022-23 season. However, prior to the pandemic, the Met operated at 75 percent capacity in the 2018-19 season, indicating a decline in attendance.

Maintaining an average of one-third empty seats throughout a season of relative prosperity is a disappointing outcome for the largest performing arts company in America. Additionally, the financial earnings were even worse when considering discounted tickets, as the Met's revenues amounted to only 57 percent of full capacity.

General Manager Peter Gelb is attempting to find explanations for the situation. He suggests that a bot attack, which resulted in the box office being closed for a week, may have contributed to a potential 2 percent decrease in seasonal sales. Gelb also highlights that the average age of Met attendees has decreased from 50 to the mid-40s, which is an encouraging trend.

In terms of compensation, Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin earned $1,195,702, while Gelb received $1,094,327.

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