The Oberlin Conservatory's Poiesis Quartet Sweeps Fischoff Chamber Music Competition, Taking Home Multiple Awards and Prizes
May 15, 2023

The Oberlin Conservatory-based Poiesis Quartet has been awarded the Prize at the two thousand twenty-three Fischoff Chamber Music Competition, in Southbend, IN, United States. Comprising violinists Sarah Ma and Max Ball, violist Jasper de Boor and cellist Drew Dansby, the ensemble was also awarded the Gold Medal in this year's Senior String Division, plus the “Lift Every Voice” prize for the best performance of a piece by a historically underrepresented composer. The Poiesis Quartet will get US $16.500 in total plus a tour performing concerts and outreach in the Midwestern United States and the Emilia Romagne Festival in Italy. As this year's official media streaming partner, The Violin Channel is streaming all rounds of the contest LIVE and exclusively.

The Gold Medal in the Senior Wind Div was awarded to the AZ State University-based Kodachrome Saxophone Quartet. The Silver and Bronze medals in the Senior String Div were awarded to the Quartet Luminera and the Amnis Piano Quartet. The Gold medal in the Jr Strings Div was awarded to the FaMa Quartet. Founded in one thousand nine hundred seventy-third by Joseph Fischoff and members of the S Bend Chamber Music Society, the national Fischoff Chamber Music Contest has since seen over 7.800 musicians compete, representing many states and nationalities.

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