The Australian World Orchestra Announces 2023 Concert Season: Mahler's Ninth Symphony Takes Center Stage
May 10, 2023

The Australian World Orchestra (AWO) has announced its two thousand twenty-three concert season. In November, AWO will summon elite Australian musicians all over the world for two performances of Maher’s Ninth Symphony in Melbourne and Sydney. Led by Chief Conductor and founder Alexander Briger, the AWO concerts add to a year that’s quickly becoming marked by Mahler, thanks to the London, Sydney and W Australian Symphony Orchestras and Sydney Philharmonia Choirs among others.

“The first time I saw [the Ninth] being performed by Sir Georg Solti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Sydney in one thousand nine hundred eighty-eighth, it'd a life-changing effect on me. It's one of the most challenging and emotional works in the canon,” said Briger. “For me, it's maybe the pinnacle of all symphonic music and to hear this extraordinary grouping of Australian musicians carry out it was indeed one of my inspirations to form the AWO in the first place. It was during Latest year’s electric season that it came to me that presently is the right time for the AWO to carry out this mighty and iconic work.”

The Mahler Nine is the composer’s latest complete symphonic work. It mourns for the loss of his daughter and was written after he received a diagnosis about his faulty heart. The symphonic superstition of the ‘curse of the ninth’, a composer is said to die around the time of their ninth symphony, was born with Mahler. His death before the completion of his Tenth seemingly ratifies it. The latest Australian orchestral performance was delivered by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in two thousand-eighteenth. The Australian World Orchestra draws on premium Australian musical talent, with performers sourced domestically and internationally.

Musicians are called back residence for its concert series some of the most eminent orchestras around the world, including the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the LA Philharmonic Orchestra and the London Symphony Orchestra. Last year, the AWO below the baton of maestro Zubin Mehta, delivered a five-star performance, with Limelight reviewer Megan Stellar attributing its success to the power in homecoming and re. “AWO continues to represent excellence, opportunity and vision, creating thrilling performances, and, more importantly, inspiring and challenging its audiences,” wrote Steller. “By reuniting Australian artists orchestras across the country with their colleagues in ensembles as far-flung as the United States, Europe and Asia, the orchestra south a supergroup that's not only technically dazzling, but deeply committed to the art its members are making together.”

In two thousand twenty-two, the AWO also toured to Europe for appearances at the Edinburgh International Festival and the BBC Proms and announced a five-year partnership with the Melbourne Conservatorium in a indicate of support for emerging Australian musicians.

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