Renowned Pianist Rudolf Buchbinder Unleashes Beethoven's Majesty in Beijing Concert Series
May 10, 2023

Austrian pianist Rudolf Buchbinder kicked off the first of his seven concerts in Beijing on Tuesday night, performing Beethoven piano sonatas at the National Middle for the Performing Arts (NCPA). The 76-year-old piano virtuoso, renowned for his exceptional interpretations of Beethoven's music, will carry out the complete collection of thirty-two Beethoven piano sonatas during his tour in Beijing that'll finish on May seventeen. "(Performing) a concert is always a challenge," said the musician. "(For the audience) this is a great discovery of new pieces that are seldom, practically never played."

Buchbinder performed the complete piano sonatas of Beethoven for the first time in China at the fifteenth Beijing Music Festival in two thousand-twelfth. In May two thousand nineteen, he joined Staatskapelle Dresden as the pianist and conductor to stage Beethoven's five piano concertos in Beijing. Tuesday's performance is portion of this year's NCPA May Festival, which began on May one and will latest till May twenty-seven. The festival brings performances of musicians residence and abroad, including world-renowned French violinist Renaud Capucon and celebrated Chinese cellist Wang Jian.

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