Maestro Stilian Kirov Assumes Baton at SWFL Symphony: A Harmonious Transition
1 June, 2024

Stilian Kirov has stepped in as the new Principal Conductor for Southwest Florida Symphony (SWFLSO) following the unexpected departure of Radu Paponiu, the former Music Director. SWFLSO’s board, staff, and orchestra committee have also appointed Kirov as the Interim Artistic Advisor to provide artistic leadership until they can commence the search for a new Music Director.

Kirov brings a wealth of experience, having previously served as the Music Director of Symphony in C in New Jersey from 2015 to 2020, and currently holding positions as Music Director of the Illinois Philharmonic and the Bakersfield Symphony. His conducting career has taken him around the globe, collaborating with various orchestras including the Israel Camerata, Xi’An Symphony, Minas Gerais Philharmonic Orchestra, and many others.

He has worked alongside renowned conductors such as Bernard Haitink, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, and Andrew Davis, and boasts an impressive educational background, having studied at The Juilliard School under the guidance of esteemed mentors.

Kirov's accolades include winning the gold medal at the 2001 Claude Kahn International Piano Competition and receiving prizes at prestigious competitions like the Malko Competition and the Mitropoulos Competition. He has also been recognized with multiple Solti Foundation U.S. Career Assistance Awards.

In his new capacity with SWFLSO, Kirov is currently finalizing programming for the upcoming season to complement the selected repertoire. Both SWFLSO's CEO, Amy Ginsburg, and Kirov himself expressed enthusiasm for their collaboration, citing Kirov's experience, flexibility, and passion as valuable assets for the orchestra's future endeavors.

As the sole professional orchestra in Lee County and the fourth oldest in the state of Florida, the Southwest Florida Symphony is gearing up to celebrate its 64th season in the upcoming concert season, details of which will be announced soon.

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