Anthony Blake Clark Appointed as New Director of Dallas Symphony Chorus for 2023-24 Concert Season
24 May, 2023

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra has picked Anthony Blake Clark as the following director of the Dallas Symphony Chorus, starting in the 2023-24 concert season. He was one of several candidates auditioned to succeed Joshua Habermann, who stepped down in two thousand twenty-second after eleven seasons. Clark prepared the chorus for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in May two thousand twenty-two, for the two thousand twenty-two Gala and the May 11-14 performances of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana and Catulli Carmina. A native of Dumas, Texas, N of Amarillo, Clark holds a bachelor’s degree in composition Baylor Univ and a master’s in choral conducting the Univ of Birmingham in England.

He's pursuing a doctorate in orchestral conducting with Marin Alsop at the Peabody Institute in Baltimore. He's currently director of chors for the Richmond (Va.) Symphony, music director of the Baltimore Choral Arts Society and artistic director of Bach Vespers at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New York. He's prepared chors for orchestras including the Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Radio Orchestra, City of Birmingham and Baltimore symphony orchestras.

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