Tibor Varga International Violin Competition 2023: Discovering New Talents and Awarding Up to 39,000CHF in Prizes!
Квітень 12, 2023

Organized by the Fondation Sion Violon Musique, the Tibor Varga International Violin Competition, in Sion, Valais, is open, without distinction of sex or nationality, to all violinists born after one September one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven (under twenty-six years of age). It aims to discover new talents, enrich the experience and musical practice of the participants, and allow encouragement to the winners for the rest of their careers.

The two thousand twenty-three jury will comprise Augustin Dumay (President), James Brown, Mihaela Martin, Natsumi Tamai, Ingolf Turban, Pavel Vernikov, Silvia Colasanti, and Ashley Wass. Applications are to be received by April seventeen, two thousand twenty-three. For further details, visit: A video preion will define the maximum of twenty-eight candidates to be invited to Sion to partake in the public rounds of the Contest and four reserve candidates. The submissions will be considered behind closed doors in the presence of the international jury.

The names of the ed candidates will be announced on May twenty-three, two thousand twenty-three. Up to 39.000CHF (~$40.000 US) will be awarded in prizes. The First Prize will get CHF 20’000, Second Prize CHF 10’000, and Third Prize CHF 5’000. Prize for Best Interpretation of the piece by Silvia Colasanti will obtain CHF 3'000. There will also be a Youth Jury Prize (CHF five hundred) and an Audience Prize (CHF five hundred). The Contest is comprised of the following rounds: First Circular (Saturday twenty-six and Sunday twenty-seven August two thousand twenty-three) Second Circular (Monday twenty-eight and Tuesday twenty-nine August two thousand twenty-three) Final, Portion one: Chamber Music (Thursday thirty-one August two thousand twenty-three) Final, Portion two: Concerto with Orchestra (Saturday two September twenty thousand two hundred thirteen)

Previous major prize winners comprise VC Artists Ji Won Song and Paul Huang.

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