Jupiter Ensemble pays homage to Vivaldi with all-Baroque program at Chan Centre
Березень 16, 2023

When: Sunday, March nineteen,

three p.m. : Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, six thousand two hundred sixty-five Crescent Rd., Vancouver.

The Jupiter Ensemble visits with an all-Vivaldi program, a somewhat belated tie-in to its critically acclaimed two thousand nineteen CD Vivaldi Jupiter. The matinee program will demonstrate three aspects of Antonio Vivaldi’s work, celebrating his inestimable contribution to the Baroque era. Advertisement 2 STORY CONTINUES BELOW Article content Audiences like the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s recurring holiday performances of The Four Seasons, and our choirs frequently tackle his best-known Gloria. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of diverse repertoire the Venetian master.

The son of a violin-playing barber, Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice in one thousand six hundred seventy-eighth. In light of his Ltd prospects for advancement, Vivaldi studied for the priesthood and was ordained at age twenty-five. He became known as The Ruddy Priest — for his hair colour, not his politics. We might question the depth of his religious vocation, but as a cleric-cum-musician Vivaldi was able to instruct the youthful ladies of the Ospedale della Pietà, one of the Serene Republic’s so-called Foundling Hospitals.

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