Equity Arc appoints Stanford Thompson as first Executive Director and announces new Co-Chairs of Board of Directors
Квітень 20, 2023

The Board of Directors of Equity Arc, a national coalition of organizations developing and promoting equi advancement opportunities for aspiring professional classical musicians underrepresented ethnicities, announces the appointment of Stanford Thompson as its first Executive Director and Charlie Grode and Jeffery Tribble Jr. as the Co-Chairs of the Board of Directors effective May one, two thousand twenty-three.

Mr. Thompson played a critical role as a volunteer boss of the collective, previously known as the National Instrumentalist Mentoring and Advancement Network, and served as the founding Board Chair and Interim Managing Director since January two thousand twenty. As the outgoing Executive Director of the celebrated El Sistema inspired program Play On Philly, which he founded in two thousand-eleventh, Stanford is recognized as a visionary thought boss and consultant in the national field of classical music and brings a wealth of experience as a community builder and seasoned nonprofit leader.

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