Ton Koopman Receives Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres for Enriching French Cultural Heritage Through Itinéraire Baroque Festival
August 30, 2024

Conductor and organist Ton Koopman has been awarded the Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture.

The Bach specialist and festival founder received the honor on August 25 at a ceremony in the Dordogne town of Cherval. The award was presented to him by former French Ambassador to the Netherlands Bernard de Montferrand in recognition of his "significant contributions to the arts and literature, particularly in enriching French cultural heritage" through the establishment of the Itinéraire Baroque Festival.

Reflecting on his accolade, Koopman remarked, “I am deeply honored to receive this award from the French government in recognition of our work in founding this special festival. Périgord Vert may be less known than the more famous Dordogne Valley with its majestic castles and strategic crusader fortresses. These smaller villages along the rivers, many of which have been inhabited since prehistoric times, possess a quieter, more intimate charm. We started the festival to open the doors of these Romanesque churches and fill them with music. After 23 years, I am thrilled to see the festival grow and become a regular fixture in the summer calendar, drawing visitors from afar.”

Koopman had previously been honored by the French Ministry with the Chevalier des Arts et de Lettres. He founded the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra in 1979 and the Amsterdam Baroque Choir in 1992 — now combined as the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir — and also leads the Portland Baroque Orchestra.

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